BFA Thesis Catalog


Collaboration with Jason Gerboth, Julie Le & Amy Yang


Create the catalog for the Spring 2019 BFA Thesis shows, featuring ART and CDES seniors at MSUDenver.


80 9”x12” printed catalogs


From hearing issues with this process from previous semesters, I chose to step up as project lead to find a better way to work with both ART and CDES students. As designers, we are more aware of layout and printing procedures, but the artists themselves will always be the one that knows the best way their work should be shown. We chose to put the decision-making power into the hands of the artist, letting them chose the template spread that best showcased their work. We also gave them the tools and knowledge to crop and edit their images, so it would appear in the book exactly as they planned, rather than having a designer blindly decide the best way.